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메뉴 KOR 검색
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HWANG, Jihwan

Associate Professor

21 Century Building # 416



HWANG JI Hwan is Professor in the Department of International Relations at the University of Seoul. He received a B.A. in Diplomacy from Seoul National University and his M.A. in Political Science from Seoul National University and University of Colorado. He received a Ph.D. in Political Science from University of Colorado. Ji Hwan Hwang’s research interests include a diplomatic policy and Relationship between South and North Korea. He has published articles including "The Paradox of South Korea’s Unification Diplomacy: Moving beyond a State-Centric Approach", "The Two Koreas after U.S. Unipolarity: In Search of a New North Korea Policy", ThePoliticalImplicationsofAmerican Military Policy in Korea: Learning from Theoretical and Empirical Evidences" and so on.

Ph. D. Department of Political Science, University of Colorado, Colorado, U.S.A
M. A. Graduate School of Political Science, University of Colorado, Colorado, U.S.A
M. A. Graduate School of Political Science, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
B. A. Department of Diplomacy, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea

Academic Appointments
2011 – present, Professor of Department of International Relations, College of Public Affairs and Economics, University of Seoul
2008 – 2011, Assistant Professor of Department of North Korean Studies, Myoungji University
2006 - 2008 Senior Researcher, Institute for Peace and Unification Studies, Seoul National University
2006.03 - 2006.08. Senior Researcher, Center For International Studies, Seoul National University

2014 "The Paradox of South Korea’s Unification Diplomacy: Moving beyond a State-Centric Approach", 『International Journal of Korean Unification Studies』 제23권 1호

2014 "김정은 시대 북한의 대외전략: 지속과 변화의 '병진노선'", 『한국과 국제정치』 제30권 1호

2013 "The Two Koreas after U.S. Unipolarity: In Search of a New North Korea Policy", 『JIAS』 제20권 1호

2013 "남북정상회담과 북핵문제: 한반도 리더십 변수의 재검토", 『국제관계연구』 제18권 1호

2013 "오바마 행정부의 핵비확산 정책과 미국 의회", 『국제문제연구』 제13권 1호

2012 "핵포기 모델의 재검토: 남아프리카공화국, 우크라이나, 리비아 사례를 통해 본 북핵 포기의 가능성과 한계", 『세계지역연구논총』 제30권 3호

2012 "한반도 분단과 한국전쟁의 국제정치이론적 의미: 현상타파/현상유지 국가 논의의 재조명", 『국제정치논총』 제52권 3호

2011 "북한문제 인식의 문제점과 새로운 접근의 필요성", 『통일과평화』 제3권 2호

2011"핵안보시대국제비확산체제의 글로벌 거버넌스와 한국의 외교", 『국제문제연구』 제11권 4호

2011"ThePoliticalImplicationsofAmerican Military Policy in Korea: Learning from Theoretical and Empirical Evidences", 『세계지역연구논총』 제29권 2호

2011 "6자회담과 북한의 비핵화: 딜레마와 가능성", 『공공정책연구』 제18권 1호

2010 "선군정치와 북한 군사부문의 변환전략", 『국제관계연구』 제15권 2호

2010 "네트워크의 시각으로 보는 북핵 문제의 국제정치: 6자회담의 네트워크 동학", 『신아세아』 제17권 2호

Academic Courses Taught
International Relations : Undergraduate level
Foreign Policy : Undergraduate level
Diplomatic History : Undergraduate level
Relations between South and North Korea : Undergraduate level
Theories of International Relations : M.S. level
Seminar on Foreign Politics : M.S. level
Seminar on International Conflicts : M.S. level
Special lecture on North-South Korean Relations : M.S. level
Special Lecture on Diplomatic History : M.S. level

Professional Membership
The Korean Association of International Studies